Yoga-Dance by the River

This workshop invites participants to explore their physical connection to water through breath, sound, and movement.  Yoga-Dance instructor Lisa GillOrme and Percussionist Matthew Stephens guide participants through various expressions of rhythm and breath, connecting our physical bodies to the River Systems.

May 11, 2019 at 2:00pm - 3pm
Kye Schuett Cheryl Player Chris O'Neill Eliza So Zhangfei Su Tracie Seedhouse

Will you come?

Showing 8 reactions

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  • Kye Schuett
    rsvped 2019-05-11 07:17:24 -0400
  • Cheryl Player
    rsvped 2019-05-10 17:10:13 -0400
  • Lisa Gill
    commented 2019-05-10 16:17:18 -0400
    We’re looking forward to tomorrow afternoon!
    Park behind Church beside York Rd. Park & we’ll walk to the River together. Rain location is Royal City Gazebo.
    Bring a mat & blanket. Recommended for adults & older children who follow directions:)
  • Chris O'Neill
    rsvped 2019-05-07 07:33:10 -0400
  • Eliza So
    rsvped +2 2019-04-26 09:43:11 -0400
  • Zhangfei Su
    rsvped +4 2019-04-14 09:35:45 -0400
  • Tracie Seedhouse
    rsvped +3 2019-04-02 13:36:05 -0400
  • Beth Shier
    published this page in Events 2019-03-22 07:42:40 -0400