Nature in Transition 2SLGBTQ+ Walk

Due to Covid19 gathering restrictions, this event has been restructured to an online format

Back-up Plan: roughly 1 hr

RSVP to get the link to join the event. If you can not make the live event, you will be sent a recording afterwards.

Come and join us in the outdoors digitally over Zoom. We will have a brief check-in about ideas of queer and trans resiliency in these times, the role of nature in this time, as well as additional resources available in the community and ways to get involved. This online workshop will focus on one key element of cultivating resiliency as queer and trans people, and will center around resiliency and belonging for 2SLGBTQ+ people in our two river system through a series of reflection prompts followed by an invitation to spend quiet time along the trails. We will end with a group chat, check-out, and individuals are welcome to follow up with peers should they require additional support.


May 31, 2020 at 1:00pm - 2pm
Online Zoom Event
Guelph, ON
Google map and directions
jen s byron murray Glenys Brydges Jer Campbell Simone Weinstein

Will you come?

Showing 5 reactions

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  • jen s
    rsvped 2020-05-30 15:09:23 -0400
  • byron murray
    rsvped 2020-05-29 15:30:16 -0400
  • Glenys Brydges
    rsvped 2020-05-22 11:06:00 -0400
  • Jer Campbell
    rsvped 2020-05-07 09:59:40 -0400
  • Simone Weinstein
    rsvped 2020-04-30 18:52:56 -0400