The Take2 Watershed Cleanup would like to invite you to participate in World Clean Up Day happening on Saturday September 18th!
On this day, we encourage you, your friends, groups or classrooms you are apart of to collect two pieces of litter in the Hanlon Creek & Preservation Park Community, then log your impact at and to challenge two other friends, groups or classrooms to participate.
We invite folks who use the Hanlon Creek & Preservation Park Trails to do their part in keeping our watersheds clean, as waste has become a growing problem due to high use of trails during the pandemic.
Together we can clean our watersheds! These small acts are apart of big change.
To create a team and track your impact, click here:
Thanks in advance for your time & don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, ideas, or want to run a competition with another group!
Happy World Clean Up Day!
Please RSVP to the event below to be receive the Take2 Participant Package for easy instructions on how to get started!
About Take2 Watershed Cleanup:
Take2 offers a solution to this problem by encouraging individuals to take small actions to create big change,
keeping our trails and watersheds clean! Take2 addresses both the symptoms and sources of pollution by cleaning up waste, engaging people to stop litter, and holding the companies creating polluting waste accountable.

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