Guelph, Ontario
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Garlic mustard is an invasive herb native to Europe. It spreads quickly, interfering with the growth of other plants including several species at risk. While it is not a good food source for wildlife, it is high in vitamins A and C, and it makes great pesto. Join us to learn about the plant and how to safely pull it. You'll contribute to the health of the river bank, and leave with some ingredients for your very own delicious pesto!
Please bring your own containers! You'll need access to a blender later. ALL WELCOME. This is a family-friendly event.
Avoid driving if you don’t have to, as there isn’t much parking in the area.
Please note that we have a cap of about 50 people for this event, to ensure we have enough ingredients to go around. So if you are interested in attending, we strongly encourage you to RSVP.
Is this event accessible? Yes
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