We would like to start this newsletter by acknowledging that the City of Guelph, where the 2Rivers Festival takes place, is situated upon traditional territories. The territories include the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois), Ojibway/Chippewa, and Anishinabek, in addition to the Attawandaron neutral peoples. We’d like to recognize the enduring presence of Aboriginal peoples on this land and the history of the First Nations peoples and neighbouring First Nation, Métis and Inuit. Today there are a wide number of Indigenous peoples who call this territory home under the Haldimand Tract Treaty with the Mississaugas of New Credit. We want to express solidarity with the Chippewas of the Thames First Nations and the 18 Indigenous communities affected by the Enbridge Line 9 project, and to the 88 First Nations communities in Ontario currently under drinking water advisories.
2Rivers Festival NewsExclusive Sponsorship Opportunity Available!We are excited to announce that the 2Rivers Festival has one $10,000 Festival Sponsor spot available for 2020. If your business values local water protection and community collaboration, you will want to align yourself with the 2Rivers Festival this year! As our Festival Sponsor, you will receive...
If you think you have what it takes to be the one and only Festival Sponsor, send us an email at [email protected]! Meet the Steering CommitteeTrista Forth, Website Manager "I became involved in the 2Rivers Festival in 2013 when a friend who was a member of the steering committee encouraged me to become a part of the festival. If you'd like to become a member of the Steering Committee, email us at[email protected]!
River Droplets – fun facts about our 2Rivers
Updates from Wellington Water Watchers
It's the end of 2019! Get yourself some positive karma for the new year by donating to Wellington Water Watchers!
Wellington Water Watchers has been accepted as a project by the Small Change Fund. If you make a donation of $250 or more to the Small Change Fund on behalf of the Wellington Water Watchers you support our work to protect water and you will receive a charitable tax receipt.
There are two priorities that you can help us fund with a donation this month.
- Expert Toxicology Opinion on health risks of THMs in Tottenham drinking water: Tottenham’s drinking water has had high levels of THMs (trihalomethanes) for eleven of the past fifteen years. (THMs are a disinfection by-product formed when chlorine is used to disinfect drinking water containing natural organic matter. Some studies present viable hypotheses for health effects such as cancer and increased reproductive risk concerns.)
Residents of Tottenham, part of the Town of New Tecumseth, have been forced to advocate for the last four years to have the Town Council to take this problem seriously. The Town Council has failed to come up with a plan to ensure clean safe drinking water for Tottenham residents.
Wellington Water Watchers is working with residents group Tottenham Water and environmental lawyer David Donnelly to make the Town of New Tecumseth address the root causes of the THM contamination.
An important step in preparing the legal strategy to hold the Town Council accountable is to have an independent opinion from a toxicologist on the potential health risks of residents’ exposure to THMs.
We have retained this expert and the fee for an initial assessment is $5,000. Your donation the the Small Change Fund will help us pay for this expert opinion and earn you a charitable tax receipt.
If you prefer to write a cheque for more than $250 to make your donation then make the cheque payable to Small Change Fund and mail to Wellington Water Watchers, 42 Carden St., Guelph, N1H 3A2.
- Say No To Nestlé: The Doug Ford government has extended the moratorium on new permits to take water for bottling in Ontario until October 2020. The moratorium was set to expire this month – but persistent advocacy by Wellington Water Watchers and our many allies pressured Jeff Yurek, Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks to extend the deadline. The Ford government may be hoping that people will forget or be distracted by other issues next fall.
You can help keep the pressure on Doug Ford to Say No To Nestlé by making a donation of $250 or more to the Water for Life, Not Profit project of the Small Change Fund (and earn a charitable tax receipt for your donation).
If you prefer to write a cheque for more than $250 to make your donation then make the cheque payable to Small Change Fund and mail to Wellington Water Watchers, 42 Carden St. Guelph, N1H 3A2.
Donations of less than $250 can be made here directly to Wellington Water Watchers.
Please consider including Wellington Water Watchers in your end of year donation plans.
Introducing our new Board of Directors!
Wellington Water Watchers is wishing you a happy holiday season and all the best in the new year!
Follow Wellington Water Watchers!
Instagram: @wellingtonwaterwatchers
'Bluebelt' in the GreenbeltLooking back, looking forwardFrom investing in natural infrastructure, to engaging underserved communities, to supporting strong collaborations with Indigenous partners, to helping build southern Ontario’s sustainable food systems, the Greenbelt Foundation was hard at work this year. While their goals remain the same – to protect and enhance the Greenbelt for the benefit of all Ontarians, the projects and programs change from year to year. The Moccasin Identifier ProjectThe project, developed by Carolyn King in partnership with the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation and supported by the Greenbelt Foundation, has launched a new website. This important step comes as King continues to lead the project in beta-testing and promoting a toolkit for Ontario schools who are looking to educate their students on the history and presence of First Nations on the land.
Please give of your time or money generously. Make us stronger. Make us more powerful. And let’s defend our waters together.
If you are richer in time then money, please volunteer!
If you are richer in money than time, please donate!
Make sure you follow the 2Rivers Festival on Twitter @2RiversFestival and Facebook @2RiversFestival!
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