Fourth Fridays Concert: Janice Jo Lee - Online

Free online concert from the Guelph Museums

Celebrate the end of the week and start of the weekend with contemporary folk artist Janice Jo Lee, aka Sing Hey as she explores the theme of water and rivers. Janice is a folk-soul singer-songwriter, spoken word poet, actor and playwright from Kitchener, on Haldimand Tract treaty territory. Lee is an award-winning performer known for being disarmingly hilarious and off-the-cuff. On stage she creates looping landscapes with her voice, guitar, trumpet and Korean jangu drum. Lee is a hard femme, queer, radical, comedian, truth-teller and trickster. She is interested in using art to build flourishing communities based in justice and joy. Lee’s work explores gender justice, antiracism, friendship, community, ancestry and the Earth.

This event will be broadcasted via Guelph Museum's Facebook Live, please RSVP below to receive a reminder and link to this event.



Hosted by:


June 25, 2021 at 7:00pm - 7:40pm

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  • Treasa Levasseur
    rsvped 2021-06-25 19:00:24 -0400
  • Roxy Riess
    rsvped +1 2021-06-25 14:34:41 -0400
  • Louisa Krátká
    rsvped 2021-06-18 20:43:12 -0400
  • Carolyn Pauloff
    rsvped 2021-05-28 10:31:25 -0400