Learn about the current status of Ontario's water conservation system
Come learn about the recent changes to Ontario's Conservation Authority Act, what the current state of Ontario's water conservation framework is, and where we go next to preserve our local water systems.
This past year saw the biggest change to water conservation policy in decades with the passing of Bill 229. What do these changes mean for our water conservation efforts at the Yorklands and beyond? What does water conservation even mean? How can we as a community best leverage the tools available?
Join David Alton (Yorklands Green Hub Development Manager) and Rob Case (Wellington Water Watchers Board Chair) for a digital conversation to answer these questions and more!
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Guelph, ON
Google map and directions Add to Calendar 26-05-2021 19:00:00 26-05-2021 20:30:00 15 Conservation Authority Panel - Online Learn about the current status of Ontario's water conservation system Come learn about the recent changes to Ontario's Conservation Authority Act, what the current state of Ontario's water conservation framework... Guelph, ON, Canada DD/MM/YYYY
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