Bridges to the Past: A Walking Tour

May 28, 2017 at 1:00pm - 2pm
Norwich Footbridge
Speed River Trail
Guelph, ON
Google map and directions

Heffernan Bridge - Evan FerrariGuelph residents have created ways to cross the mighty Speed River for 190 years. On this walk, you will marvel at the soaring beauty of the Heffernan Bridge, the solid limestone construction of the Gow Bridge, celebrating its 120th anniversary, and the inventive structure of the Covered Bridge, celebrating its 25th anniversary. (You can read Tony Leighton's 1992 article in Harrowsmith or watch this video about the construction of the 75 tonne covered pedestrian bridge by the Timber Framers Guild of North America.) Your guide, Susan Ratcliffe, will tell you the stories of the bridges and the rivers they cross. Peter Gow, the owner of much of the land along the river in 1860, will speak to us. We will return to Royal City Park, in time to see James Gordon in concert.

Start Location: The Norwich Footbridge.

End Location: Royal City Park.

Is this event accessible? Yes.

Hosted by:


Theresa Deeves Donna Jennison

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  • Theresa Deeves
    rsvped +3 2017-05-16 13:22:24 -0400
  • Donna Jennison
    rsvped 2017-03-27 00:55:41 -0400