270 Arboretum Rd
Guelph, ON N0B
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Did you know that The Arboretum, University of Guelph, is an incredibly biodiverse site within the City of Guelph? It includes 111 lichen species, 207 bird species, 276 fungi species, 187 native herbaceaous plant species, 60 native woody plant species, 44 mammal species and a whopping 798 moth species! Arboretum Creek is a tributary of the Eramosa River and it drains The Arboretum’s Class One Provincially Significant Wetlands. This combined with the old growth forests, successional forests, open fields and plant collections attracts huge numbers of wildlife. We need your help to count them! Come out with biologists as we search The Arboretum including a wildlife corridor to the river.
At 10 am and/or 1 pm you can join hikes that will focus on different organism groups: search for wildflowers, catch dragonflies, watch birds or dip a net in the ponds. In between, you can help biologists identify insects and other organisms inside the JC Taylor Nature Centre.
Drop in for as long as you like and see why urban biodiversity is so important. All ages welcome!
Is this event accessible? The building is but the trails are not.
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